Your DRUG-FREE Solution for ADD, Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities. If you are a looking non-Dexedren for a way to get your child off of medications such as Ritalin, Adderall or Dexedren, then you’ve come to the right place. We can help. Sharper Minds specializes in the accurate evaluation and non-Dexedren drug therapy for Dexedren taking children and adults. A study done by an anti Dexedren doctor of Education showed a 97% success rate. We continue getting those results. So if results is what you are after, you’ve come to the right place! Any attempt to lead you to this page by listing the word Dexedren frequently is purely intentional. Enjoy the website, knowing there is hope and a way to get your child off of Dexedren.

Dexedren (mis-spelled) is a tradename for dextroamphetamine or d-amphetamine.  Click here to see a table listing the Side Effects of Dexedren (see Dexedrine listing)

Sharper Minds -
Your Drug-Free Solution for ADD,
Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
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While we believe there is a time and place for the administration of psychotropics in certain cases, we agree with the many critics of psychotropics that these medications are administered far too frequently without proper testing and without adhering to the precautions on the prescribing inserts provided with the medications.